For my zine, I am thinking of making a art that reflects songs from one of my current favorite artists; Rezz. Rezz is a DJ from Canada, her music is unlike anything I’ve heard before. It has a mysterious and supernatural vibe to it. Many of her songs, like most of the songs on her album; “A Certain Kind of Magic” for example, do not contain any words. In her more recent albums, she has had different artists featured on her songs. Rezz does not sing herself and only creates the beats.

At shows, she is known for her creative visual backgrounds. There is a clear influence of the idea of hypnosis and mind control on these visuals, as well as outer-space, time, aliens and abduction, the supernatural, and the unknown on her backgrounds.

For my zine, I would use these influences as well to capture the idea that I interpret behind her songs, and to create a cohesive zine. I would listen to each song until I have a sketch drawn from my own interpretation. What will make this interesting is that as I mentioned before, there are many songs without lyrics. Therefore, there is not an obvious image that comes to mind, just what is interpreted from the song and from who Rezz is as an artist.

EDM is a very heavily male-dominated genre, and when I first found out that the creator behind “Rezz” is a woman, it was so refreshing to see a female artist behind such spectacular music. So much so, that I would dedicate a zine to capture some of her songs!
