Artist Statement:
The idea behind my zine was to create visuals that represent Rezz as an artist and her songs. The process for this assignment started with listening to songs and just seeing what came to my mind. I identified the songs that brought the most to my mind visually, in the title of the song and the song itself. I chose “Witching Hour,” “Teleportal,” “Life and Death,” “Premonition,” and “Edge,” and they appear in that order (the images here don't have the titles like on the physical zine, so that they didn’t distract from any initial interpretations).
Next, I made notes of what things each song brought to my mind. I browsed the internet, Pinterest, and Unsplash, to find images that might work well for the photoshop parts of my project. I let my mind wander when I created these and I also had Rezz’s music playing because it felt fitting. I didn’t want to box myself into one idea if I found new ideas from the images, and I let myself use the images to the advantage of the end product.
For example, on the “Premonition” page, I started with two images of the same woman. I was thinking about the idea of a “premonition,” an uncanny gut feeling, and it reminded me a lot of the feeling of Deja Vu. It is a very jarring feeling to feel like you have experienced your exact situation before, it can feel a bit like a warning or a significant moment. I wanted to show this through the woman viewing a different version of herself, over and over again. I ended up with my final product by trying to convey this feeling, as well as including ideas that arose to me from the song.
The final significant inspiration and focus for my Zine was Rezz as an artist, and making my Zine cohesive with her styles and themes. I would describe her themes as having a lot to do with outer space, hypnosis, time, memory, the supernatural and the uncanny, and magic. I definitely made an effort to align my Zine with these themes and to think of creative ways to integrate them into the designs. In order to properly represent Rezz, I wanted it to be something I felt like she might enjoy herself!
